Nasal Surgery
Uvulopalatal Flap
Hyoid Advancement
Pre-Op Instructions
Post-Op Instructions
Nasal Surgery

Obstruction of nasal breathing is a common finding in patients with OSA. The cause of obstruction may be due to turbinate hypertrophy, deviated nasal septum or collapse/narrowing of nasal valve. Nasal surgery usually consists of reducing the size of the turbinate, correcting the deviated nasal septum or enlarging the nasal valve. The duration of the procedure is approximately 45 minutes and is performed under general anesthesia. Nasal surgery is generally associated with a mild amount of discomfort and can be easily managed with medications for 1-2 days. Although nasal packing is often used by many surgeons, it is usually unnecessary. (Nasal packing involves placing sponges in the nose after the operation for 1-2 days.) Potential complications from nasal surgery include significant bleeding and infection, both of which are rare.

Although nasal surgery is usually an out-patient procedure, overnight hospitalization is usually recommended for patients with moderate or severe OSA. The postoperative course consists of nasal stuffiness for a few days. Patients can usually return to work in 2-3 days.

Nasal surgery is highly successful in improving nasal breathing. However, in patients with moderate to severe OSA, nasal surgery alone does not achieve significant improvement of OSA. Sometimes nasal surgery is performed to improve tolerance towards nasal CPAP therapy.


(Pre - Op)
(Post - Op)